The Student Progress Report

Clicking on the Student Report button for any given class on the Reports Page will take you to the Student Progress Report Landing Page.   

Use the Select Student dropdown to choose the individual student for which you’d like to see data. 

You can also access the Student Progress Report for any student by clicking their name in the Detailed Report section of a Class Report.  

Below is a breakdown of the components of the Student Progress Report:

a. Use the Select Student dropdown to choose the individual student for which you’d like to see data. 

b.  The Show/Hide Dropdown Menu allows teachers to select the specific information they want shown or hidden within the Student Progress Report.

c. The Date Filter allows teachers to view Student Progress Report data within a chosen date range.  Note:  the default range is the current week. 

d. The Triple Dot allows teachers to download the Student Progress Report as a .csv file. 

e. Click on the line labels in the top right corner of the Performance Summary graph to add and remove specific lines on the graph.

f. The Performance Summary graph shows the change in student average scores across each assignment over time compared to the class average scores.  Hover over any dot to see the name of the assignment shown. 

g. Clicking on an individual assignment name will take teachers to the Student Details Report for the student on this assignment.

h. Here is a breakdown of each type of data shown in the Student Progress Report:some text

  1. Completion:  shows the percentage of problems the student has completed on each assignment.  A green check indicates that the assignment is completed. 
  2. Score:  shows the student’s score on each assignment.
  3. Class Average:  shows the class average score on each assignment.
  4. Time Spent:  shows the total amount of time the student spent completing each assignment. 
  5. Class Avg Time:  Shows the average amount of time students in the class spent completing each assignment. 
  6. Last Opened:  Shows the last date that the student opened each assignment.

i. The Average row at the bottom of the Student Progress Report shows class averages across all assignments for each of the types of data listed above.  

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