Modifying Existing Problems from the Content Library

Learn more about editing problems from our content library by reading the directions below or by watching the video below.

Before you attempt to modify existing problems in the Content Library, we first recommend learning how to create custom problem sets.  To learn more about creating custom problem sets, click here

Getting Started

To modify existing problems in the Content Library, start by navigating to the problems you want to modify.  Make sure that you select the problems that you want to edit and then click the yellow ‘Assign x Problems’ button in the bottom right side of the screen.  

Then click ‘+Add to Problem Set’.

You will then be prompted to create a problem set name or search for an existing problem set that you’d like to add these problems to. 

Then, click the blue button to create and/or save to your problem sets.

Modifying the Chosen Problem

Next, click the My Problem Sets option in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen and click the problem set with problems you would like to edit. 

Making the Problem Editable

Then, click the Problem Editor button at the top of the screen.  You will notice that problems from our Content Library will have a ‘Read Only’ label at the top. 

Click on the triple dots in the upper right hand corner of the problem set and then choose ‘Edit Problem’ or ‘Edit Multi-Part Problem’.  

Then click the Proceed button.  

Modifying the Problem

This will remove the ‘Read Only’ designation from the problem and allow you to edit it.  You can now change anything within the problem.

You can also add new problem parts, remove problem parts, and edit the standards tagged on the problem by clicking the appropriate option in the triple dot located in the upper right corner of the problem. 

Publishing the Modified Problem

Once you have edited the problem, click ‘Publish All’ at the top of your screen to publish the problem. 

You will be prompted on whether you want to publish via a pop-up. 

When you attempt to publish and there’s an error in one or more of your problems, a red dot will appear next to the Problem Set ID.  Below the Problem Set ID will be a bulleted list of the errors that need to be fixed. 

Assigning the Modified Problem

Once your problem set is published, you can click the yellow assign button at the bottom of the page.  

Preview in the Student View Before Assigning

We recommend previewing the problem set in Student View before assigning, just to make sure your edited problems will behave the way you want them to when students are completing them.  To do this, click the Student Preview button at the top of your screen.

You will then choose whether you want to preview a specific problem or the entire problem set.  

Modifying an Existing Problem Using the Problem ID

See below for information on how to modify an existing problem using the problem ID.  Navigate the Content Library to find the problem you would like to modify.  Copy the problem ID, which is located at the top of the Problem Card. 

Then go to the Builder tab (1) in the Navigation Bar on the left side of your screen and click the ‘+ New’ button (2), and select ‘Problem Set’.  (see below)

Then, click the ‘+ New’ button again and select ‘Import from ID’.  (see below)

You will be prompted to Search by ID by pasting the problem ID or problem set ID in the box provided (1) and clicking the ‘Search’ button (2). 

You will then see an indicator showing whether the problem or problem set was ‘Found’.  If it was, click the +Add to add the problem or problem set into the Problem View.  (see below)

Once the problem is added to your problem set, you can make a copy of and edit the problem as described above.   Then, once you’ve published the problem set, you can assign it students.  Then, once your problem set is published, you can click the yellow assign button at the bottom of the page.Click here to learn more about assigning problems.

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