CenterPoint’s Fresh Start Screeners Available in ASSISTments
CenterPoint’s team is composed of former educators, content experts, assessment specialists, school and district administrators, and policy leaders. These individuals were integral to the writing of college-and-career readiness standards and now use that one-of-a-kind expertise to build premium tools for student learning.
What are the Fresh Start Screeners?
The Fresh Start Screeners are available in ASSISTments for Grades 4 - 8 and Algebra 1. Depending on the subject area and grade level, the number of items on the assessment range from 16-30. This short assessment is designed to be completed in less than 50 minutes.
The Fresh Start Screeners in ASSISTments:
Allow teachers to quickly assess student understanding of their prior year’s learning.
- Allow teachers to quickly assess student understanding of their prior year’s learning.
- Are aligned to Student Achievement Partners (SAP) Priority Instructional Standards in Mathematics.
- Are a data-driven tool for teachers that informs instructional activity.
The Fresh Start Screeners in ASSISTments:
- Provide real-time data to develop strategic instructional plans and nurture PLCs.
- Allow instructional leaders to make district-wide decisions with real-time data.
Can be folded in to ASSISTments Insights Hub so district leads can access student results to easily monitor and track student understanding.
How much do the Fresh Start Screeners cost?
While ASSISTments Teacher is a free service of ASSISTments, the Fresh Start Screeners are available for $2.00 per student through our partner Center Point Educational Solutions. Purchase by June 30th for discounted rates.
When should I assign the Fresh Start Screeners?
Since the Fresh Start Screeners were designed to measure the prior years’ learning, the recommendation is that you assign this assessment at the start of the school year. This will help you diagnose areas where your students need extra support.
Can I assign the Fresh Start Screeners more than once?
Absolutely! Once purchased, the Screeners are available for you to assign for the full school year.
How many questions are in the Screeners? (and how long will they take the students to complete)?
Depending on the subject area and grade level, the number of items on the assessment range from 16-30. This short assessment is designed to be completed in less than 50 minutes.
Where can I find the Fresh Start Screeners in ASSISTments?
Once your school purchases the Fresh Start Screeners, your account will be given access to a locked folder with the purchased content. You will then find your CenterPoint assessments directly in the ASSISTments content library.
How can I use the Fresh Start Screeners in ASSISTments to support my students?
- Teachers can choose to assign the Fresh Start Screeners in either Practice Mode, allowing students to receive the immediate feedback they need to grow and learn or in Test Mode, offering a summative experience.
- Teachers get real-time data that helps to save time, target instruction, and to support serving a diverse group of learners.
- Each question is tagged with its relevant grade level standard, allowing teachers to assess class and student level data by question or by standard.
How Can I Get in Touch for Additional Questions?
For questions or to discuss district level purchasing, please contact CenterPoint Education Solutions.