ASSISTments Partners
Wiris is a software development company with a goal of continually developing advanced tools for members of the STEM field. They work with the most important productivity tools, used by education, scientific, and publishing communities.
Leading Educators
Leading Educators
Leading Educators is a professional learning nonprofit which partners with school systems to build and sustain the conditions, teaching, and leadership to ensure that the students furthest from opportunity succeed in school and in life.Leading Educators is partnering with ASSISTments to develop an integrated professional learning experience that leverages data to further support teachers with their curriculum.
UPchieve is a non-profit that provides free, online math tutoring to low-income high school students. Access to UPchieve’s free online tutoring is available to qualifying schools & districts directly through ASSISTments.
Teaching Lab
Teaching Lab
Teaching Lab specializes in curriculum-based professional learning, with the mission to fundamentally shift the paradigm of teacher professional learning for educational equity. Through a grant from the Hewlett Foundation, we have developed an integrated professional learning model that leverages ASSISTments Teacher data to further support teacher development with their curriculum.
Center for Mathematics Achievement at Lesley University
Center for Mathematics Achievement at Lesley University
The Center for Mathematics Achievement at Lesley University helps educators deepen their mathematics content knowledge and pedagogy through a variety of professional development offerings. Through an Education, Innovation and Research (EIR) grant, The ASSISTments Foundation partnered with the Center for Mathematics Achievement to develop an evidence-based high quality professional learning community model, that ASSISTments Teachers love.
Teachley is a math learning program that teaches foundational concepts to every student in grades K-5. Teachley supports teaching and deepens learning by building students' conceptual understanding, fluency, and problem solving skills. Through NIH SBIR funding, we are working to integrate Teachley’s learning tools into the ASSISTments platform in order to give elementary students a digital way to show their math thinking and give teachers more insight into students' problem solving.
Open Up Resources
Open Up Resources
Open Up Resources is a nonprofit with a mission to increase equity in education by making excellent, top rated curricula openly available to districts and schools. We are proud to offer their expertly authored, teacher refined, and openly-licensed curricula and free training and support materials in ASSISTments.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is the world's largest mathematics education organization and advocates for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning for each and every student. Our partnership allows ASSISTments teachers to take advantage of their “Figure This!” problems, designed to help families enjoy mathematics outside of school.
Kendall Hunt
Kendall Hunt
Kendall Hunt has a 75-year history of providing innovative educational solutions to educators. As a group of IM Certified educators, they are the only IM partners to provide the Illustrative Mathematics curricula for grades K-12 for free. ASSISTments supports the Kendall Hunt Illustrative Math educator though by hosting all of the high quality student facing materials IM offers in addition to jointly delivered free programming.
JUMP Math is an award-winning non-profit organization that provides a comprehensive set of resources for educators that aim to cultivate math confidence in students.
Through our partnership, ASSISTments has digitized all of the JUMP Math Unit Quizzes, Tests and Benchmark materials for students in grades 3-8. These are openly available for teachers to assign online exclusively through our platform.
CenterPoint is a nonprofit organization that drives equity by supporting schools and districts in implementing coherent instructional models that include high-quality curriculum, aligned assessments, and professional learning.
CenterPoint’s Fresh Start Screener for math, available within ASSISTments Teacher, helps teachers evaluate student understanding of content taught in the prior grade, gauge areas of strengths and unfinished learning, and chart their path forward.
EnCorps STEM Tutoring Program provides virtual tutoring from STEM professionals. We are excited to pilot an integration of ASSISTments Tutor to support real-time data alignment with Illustrative Math. This work is being done through our recently awarded federal EIR grant, allowing us to expand the functionality of ASSISTments Tutor to better support novice tutors.
Through an investment from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, we partnered with Cignition, an evidence-based math tutoring service. Their tutors use ASSISTments data to support planning for tutoring sessions that are aligned to real-time student needs.
Baltimore City Public Schools
Baltimore City Public Schools
This Fall we will pilot a model with BCPS that supports paraprofessional educators to deliver high-impact tutoring aligned to Eureka Math. This work is being done through our recently awarded federal EIR grant, allowing us to expand the functionality of ASSISTments Tutor to better support novice tutors.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Department of Education
Through a partnership with the state, Louisiana schools have access to instructional support, and custom data reports and content within ASSISTments Teacher that directly supports Accelerate, the state’s high-impact tutoring strategy.