ASSISTments Teacher
The heart of formative math assessment
ASSISTments School & District Solutions
Powerful instructional insights, data driven support, and professional development.
ASSISTments Tutor
Tools that power high-impact tutoring programs
ASSISTments & Kendall Hunt
Combine Kendall Hunt’s trusted print materials with ASSISTments' powerful digital tools.
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The Student Progress Report
The Class Report
Assign legacy content in the newest version of ASSISTments.
How do I assign a part of a multi-part problem?
Student Tutorial: Redo
Do we have answer keys in ASSISTments?
Redo for Students
Redo for Teacher Support
Create an Account with a Different LMS
The Basics of Getting Started
Quick Comments
Timed Assignments
How does a timed assignment work?
Key Settings
How do I assign to some but not all students in a class?
What do I do if nothing happens when I try to access a curriculum folder in the Content Library?
What do I do if I'm getting a blank/white screen when trying to sign into ASSISTments?
Creating Student Supports
Can I print a problem set or assignment directly from ASSISTments?
Updating Your Teacher Preferences
Classroom Practices for Equity: A Guide for ASSISTments Teachers
Assign to a Subset of a Class
Scoring on Problems View vs Standards View
Scoring on Problems View vs Standards View
Instructional Recommendations Beta
Just In Time Video Supports Beta
Change the Due Date After You Have Assigned to Google Classroom
I'm not seeing my new classes when I try to assign in ASSISTments. What should I do?
How do I get rid of last year's classes in ASSISTments?
How can I introduce ASSISTments to parents and families?
What are common wrong answers and how are they calculated?
How can I use ASSISTments in a blended learning model?
Do you have reading supports in ASSISTments for students who struggle with reading?
How do I look up a specific problem set in ASSISTments?
Assignment Report in Test Mode
The Student Experience Completing an Assignment in Test Mode
The Student Experience with Student Choice Ordered Assignments
Student Supports
How do I share problem sets with other teachers?
How can I preview the student view before assigning?
In Google Classroom, how do I allow a co-teacher to view my assignment reports as well as create their own assignments in our shared classes?
How to Support Students with Open Response Questions
Understanding Test Mode vs Practice Mode
Understanding Your Child's Performance
PLACEments Beta
Features in Beta | User Resources
Getting Started Tutorial (Google Classroom)
Getting Started Tutorial (Canvas)
Saving to My Problem Sets
Viewing My Assignments
Creating Custom Problem Sets
Assign Time Options
Scoring and leaving feedback for open response questions
Providing Students with Individual Feedback
Student Supports - Beta
Can I make a parent account to access my child's progress?
Using Common Wrong Answers for "My Favorite No"
Structuring successful virtual student discussions
Top 5 Tips to Promote Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom with ASSISTments
The Student Report
Skill Builders
Why do students in several of my Canvas courses show up in one report?
Why can't I assign to some of my classes via Canvas?
When my students are answering the questions, they have the option to click "Show Answer." Is there an option to take this out?
Scoring and Leaving Feedback on Open Response Questions
How do I add or delete students from my ASSISTments class?
How are scores in the assignment report calculated?
Can I download/export ASSISTments data reports to a csv file?
How can I upload ASSISTment scores from the assignment report to Google Classroom or Canvas?
How to Get Verified as a Teacher in Google Classroom
Uploading Scores to Google Classroom or Canvas
Downloading the Assignment Report
I used a Parent or Blueprint course in Canvas with embedded ASSISTments links. My students are getting an error message when they click on the ASSISTments assignment link. What's happening?
How can I introduce ASSISTments to students?
How can students submit answers and show their work on open response questions?
How is test mode different from how I have assigned in the past?
Our district requires a signed data privacy or service agreement in order to use services that require log in. How can I go about getting this completed so we can use ASSISTments with our students?
Will my students lose their progress if they're working on an assignment and log out before completing it?
Do I have to re-assign an assignment if I want a student to re-do the assignment?
I want to link to an ASSISTments assignment for my students in an external document (for example a slide deck or a hyper doc). Can I do this?
5 Tips for Getting Started
Student Tutorial: Answering Open Response Questions
Student Tutorial: Get Started with Canvas
Student Tutorial: Get Started with Google Classroom
Students Details Report
Skill Builder Report
Assignment Report with Problem and Standard View in Practice Mode
List of all content within ASSISTments
Overview of Different Content within ASSISTments
Accessing Student View
The Student Experience Completing an Assignment in Practice Mode
Create an Assignment with Canvas
Create an Assignment
Parent Letter (Spanish) / Carta de Padres (Español)
Parent Letter (English)
Maximizing Google Classroom and ASSISTments for Distance Learning
Maximizing Canvas and ASSISTments for Distance Learning
Set-Up Your Canvas Integration (Steps for Canvas Account Admins)
Create an Account with Canvas
Create an Account with Google Classroom
Question Guide
Top 5 questions to ask when selecting a Data-Driven Math Platform
Learn More
Facilitation Guide
Launch a Professional Learning Community (PLC)
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