Scoring on Problems View vs Standards View

Assignment reports have two different views, a Problems view and Standards view.  Scores are calculated differently in each of these report views. 

Scores in the Problem view are calculated as follows:

  • For each problem, a student receives 100, 67, 33, or 0 depending on how many attempts and hints were used for non-open response type problems
  • For open response problems, students receive a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 (which is translated to a %) and these are scored by you, the teacher
  • For the overall score, it is the average of all the problem scores answered by the student for that assignment

For example: 

This student received an average score of 88. For the 1st question, they attempted an answer which was incorrect but they did get the problem correct eventually. They were correct on their 2nd attempt, therefore, receiving 67 on that problem. They answered 3 questions correctly on their first attempt receiving 100 for each problem. The 4th question in the assignment was an open response and they received 3 out of 4 translating to 75. These 5 numbers averaged together, is the overall average score for this student. 

Scores in the Standards view are calculated as follows:  

  • For each problem, a student either receives 100 (they got it correct on the first try) or a 0 (they did not get it correct on the first try). Partial credit is not calculated in the standards view unless the problem is an open response question.
  • For each standard, the average is calculated by averaging the problem scores answered by the student for that standard
  • For the overall score, it is the average of all the scores on each standard answered by the student for that assignment
  • The average for each standard and for the overall standard average is calculated only using problems completed by the student.

For example:

This student answered 5 out of 7 problems in this assignment representing 3 different standards. The number under each standard represents the number of problems in that standard that problem set. This student received a 50 on the first standard. Problem 1 and Problem 2 were associated with standard 7.RP.A.2b. The student received partial credit on the first problem and full credit on the second problem. Since partial credit is not calculated in the standards view of the assignment report, the student received 50 on standard 7.RP.A.2b. 

For standard 7.G.A.1, there were 4 problems in the problem set associated with that standard. This student answered two of them, problem 3 and problem 4. Problem 4 was an open response (or teacher scored) problem, partial credit is taken into account in this instance for the standards report. Therefore the standard was calculated as an average between both problems.   

Problem 5 is the only problem associated with standard 6.RP.A. This student received full credit for problem 5 and therefore received 100 for that standard. 

It is important to note that the overall average in the standard view is calculated as an average from each standard using only the problems completed by the student. The example problem set includes 7 problems. The example students’ average scores are based on the 5 problems they completed. 

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