Why Support Us?
We are on a mission to unlock success in every classroom; so that more students can graduate high school with a high-quality math education.

ASSISTments has a Tier 1 rating by Evidence for ESSA and is featured in the What Works Clearinghouse one of only a handful of interventions proven effective in mathematics.

Your support helps keep access FREE for tens of thousands of teachers and half a million students who rely on our tool everyday for their math teaching and learning.
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What is the process?

Donating is as simple as clicking your preferred giving choice on the right side of this screen! You’ll be directed to a secure website managed by Overflow where you’ll be able to indicate what you would like to give. Upon completion, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

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What is the tax benefit of donating appreciated stock?

Donating appreciated stock that you've held for over a year can allow you to save up to 20% in capital gains taxes and up to 37% in federal income taxes on the charitable donation value of your gift based on your tax bracket when itemizing deductions.

To understand the full tax benefits of giving appreciated stock, including potential state tax savings, please consult with your tax professional for information about your personal tax implications.

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Can I give through my 401K or IRA?

Overflow can process all whole shares of publicly traded stock, including 401Ks and IRAs. However, because donors often incur penalties for withdrawing these assets before a certain date, we highly recommend consulting your tax professional before donating these types of assets. Donating 401Ks or IRA could result in major tax penalties or even fewer tax benefits than donating cash.

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How do I claim my charitable tax deduction?

File Form 8283 for the 1040 tax return. To calculate how much to deduct from your taxes, the general rule of thumb is to deduct the fair market value which is the average of the high/low price of the stock on the day it was received by the nonprofit. This is for assets you've held for more than a year. The date the stock was received by the nonprofit can be found in the acknowledgment letter you receive from the nonprofit. Include this letter in your tax return.

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Is giving through Overflow safe and secure?

Overflow's Information Security Program follows the criteria set forth by the SOC 2 Framework, a widely respected information security auditing procedure. Overflow does not have access to nor store any brokerage account usernames or passwords. They use Yodlee, a third party provider, that handles the brokerage login process. Over 600 companies including PayPal, Mint, and Amazon use Yodlee to connect their clients’ accounts.

Make a Donation

The ASSISTments Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all gifts to us are tax deductible in the United States. Our Tax ID number is 83-4228740