Built To Empower Teachers
After choosing your curriculum, build your own problem sets from over 200,000 problems in the content library. Combine pencil and paper practice with digitized content to maximize your curriculum.
Multiple Options for Finding and Assigning Content
- Search by curriculum, grade, and unit
- Search by common core standard/description
- Create custom problem sets that fit your needs
- To a subset of your class
- In practice (formative) or test (summative) mode
ASSISTments Teacher curriculum and content can be used in a variety of ways:
- Implement full curriculum of your school or district’s choice
- Supplement your curriculum with additional standards aligned problems
- Mix and match from the over 200,000 problems in our content library.
- Use as a Summer school supplement
- Create modified assignments for your students who need intervention
Enhance your curricula with the only free all in one digital solution for math teachers - ASSISTments Teacher.

Kendall Hunt Illustrative Mathematics
Find and Assign all of the available student-facing materials in the Kendall Hunt Illustrative Mathematics curriculum for the following courses:
- Elementary: Grades 1-5
- Middle: Grades 6-8 and Accelerated
- High School: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2
Assign from the following:
- Practice Problems Sets
- Student Tasks
- Cool-Downs
- Unit Assessments
- Spanish Translated assessments available in 6-8
IM v.360
Find and Assign from the available student-facing materials in the IM v.360 curriculum for the following courses:
- Elementary: Grades 1-5
- Middle: Grades 6-8
- High school: Algebra 1
- All other grades are coming soon
Assign from the following:
- Practice Problems Sets
- Cool-Downs
- Unit Assessments
- Spanish Translated assessments and cool-downs available in 6-8

Open Up Resources
Find and Assign all of the available student-facing materials in the Open Up Resources curriculum for the following courses:
- Elementary: Grades 1-5
- Middle: Grades 6-8
- High School: Traditional or Integrated
Assign from the following:
- Practice Problems Sets
- Student Tasks
- Cool-Downs
- Unit Assessments
Eureka Math/EngageNY
Find and Assign all of the available student-facing materials in the Eureka Math (EngageNY) curriculum for the following courses:
- Elementary: Grades 1-5
- Middle: Grades 6-8
- High School: Traditional + Pre-Calculus and Advanced Topics
Assign from the following:
- Classroom
- Homework
- Exit Tickets
- Problem Sets
- Fluency Support/Sprints
- Module Assessments

Skill Builders - Authored by ASSISTments
They are a helpful supplement to your core curriculum, and are quick and easy to assign! Great for differentiation, as a finished work add on, or a warm up and when students get three in a row correct, they’re done!
Here’s What To Expect
Use the latest state release practice tests.
We know test prep is important for student success, which is why we update our platform with the latest released state practice tests available as open source.
Students will become familiar with formats and question types when you assign the practice tests through ASSISTments Teacher. Your students can also get important practice with the more challenging open response questions and you can score and give constructive feedback directly through ASSISTments Teacher.
- Assign the entire test as a run through in Practice or Test Mode
- Use as benchmarks throughout the year
- Customize your own test prep problem sets with these released tests.