Skill Builders are practice problems targeting specific common core standards created by ASSISTments. Teachers can use Skill Builders to provide students mastery-based practice.
Why Skill Builders?
The main reason to use Skill Builders is to determine if students have mastered a particular common core standard (usually a procedural skill) by seeing if they can answer three questions in a row correctly. They are a helpful supplement to your core curriculum, and quick and easy to assign!
Key features:
Skill Builders are organized according to grade level and Common Core standard. You can find them by navigating to Skill Builders within our content library, or you can also use search by standard.
Skill Builders in content library
Skill Builders found searching by standard
You have the option to set a timer.
Once assigned, students will receive a random set of problems targeting the standard you (the teacher) selected.
Students must get 3 problems in a row correct on their first attempt to complete the assignment (this is why we consider them “mastery-based”). They also get immediate feedback as they go.
If a student does not achieve mastery within 10 problems, then the student cannot attempt the assignment again until the next calendar day, giving the teacher time to intervene, or until the teacher deletes student progress.
Teachers will get actionable mastery data to support students (see our skill builders report resource for more details).
Here is a blog post from one of our ASSISTments Ambassadors, Mike Tarka, on how he uses Skill Builders.