New Features

October 2024

ASSISTments Teacher - Teacher Experience

New Features 

Update to User Flow Sign-Up:  New users will now be able to select what role they have in school when creating a new account. The options are Administrator, Teacher, and Student.

New Assign Button: The Assign to Class button on a problem set in Find and Assign will now show the number of problems selected in a floating button instead of in a footer on the page. When selected, there are now three options: Add to Problem Set, Assign to Class, and Cancel.

July 2024

ASSISTments Teacher - Teacher Experience

New Features 

Folders Available in My Problem Sets: We have added folders in My Problem Sets so that users can create them to organize the problem sets that they create. 

Assign parts of multi-part problems: Users can now choose which parts of a multi-part problem that they want to assign or save to My Problem Sets for future use. Please note that users should be sure that the parts assigned have all the information students need to successfully answer the problem. For example, Part A of many multi-part problems is almost always needed for the context of the problem.

My Problem Sets can be organized with drag & drop: With the addition of folders to My Problem Sets, items now have drag handles and can be moved around the folders with those and with the option of Move To. Because of the addition of drag handles, the sorting options that were available in My Problem Sets have been removed.

Import 1.0 content:  Users can now import any content built in the 1.0 version of the product so that it can be assigned in the latest version! The migration requires a valid 1.0 account. Empty problem sets will not be migrated. The reporting of problems and problem sets that were migrated may be slightly off. NOTE: This new feature will be delayed.

Known Issues

All parts of a multi-part problem must be assigned in order for the problem to take part in redo: When assigning problems that you want to take part in redo, please note that if you only assign parts of a multi-part that that problem will not take part in redo even if it is so enabled.

Problem sets imported from 1.0 with complex structures will only work in linear order: If you import problem sets from 1.0 that have a complex structure (problem sets embedded in problem sets or using the if-then-else) then those problem sets will only work in the 3.0 or new user interface when they are assigned with a problem order of linear. Assigning in student choice or random will break when students attempt to do them.

Download as CSV does not work correctly with redo assignments: When redo is turned on for an assignment, the Download as CSV is only reporting on the original problems and does not reflect the existence of redo at all.

In search results, when filtering by problem type, multi-part problems may be displayed that do not match the problem type selected: In the results of a search by skill code, users can filter by curriculum and by problem type. Currently individual problems that meet the problem type selected will show up correctly. Multi-part problems that meet that skill will however be shown no matter their problem type. We are actively working on a fix to this issue.

Adding student supports to problems in My Problem Sets and Find & Assign is not currently working: If you use the EDIT STUDENT SUPPORTS action on a problem in My Problem Sets or Find and Assign, the support (hints or explanation) are not currently saving.

Schoology users cannot assign to a subset of the class: Schoology users cannot currently assign to a subset of the class and must assign to the full class.

Canvas users will not see late notifications on the assignment report for assignments turned in late by students: Canvas users are not seeing the message on the assignment report below a student's name that indicates that the student submitted the assignment after the due date & time.

Users will not see anything in Paused Time Column when Student Pauses Timed Assignment: The paused time column is not being updated correctly to show teacher users how long a student may have paused an assignment when there is a timer set on the assignment.

ASSISTments Teacher - Student Experience

New Features 

Show Answer updates: With the new problem types, when student presses "Show Answer", the correct answer is presented to the student in a way that makes it easier to submit the answer and move on with their assignment.

Changes to correct/incorrect feedback cards: Previously, when a student entered a correct or incorrect answer for a problem, a card appeared to tell the student their answer was correct/incorrect. This has been removed and feedback is presented using checkmarks, "x"'s and a snackbar that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Drag and Drop Problem Type: Students will now have the ability to interact with drag and drop problems. This will only appear in problems that have been built with Drag and Drop. This will be available in Explore Content as problems are updated.

Multi Cloze Problem Type: Students will now have the ability to interact with multi cloze answer types. This will create a better student experience for problems with tables of values, coordinate pairs, and other scenarios where multiple inputs are required in a single problem. This will only appear in problems that have been built with multi-cloze. This will be available in Explore Content as problems are updated.

Drop-Down Problem Type: Students will now have the ability to interact with dropdown menu's within a problem. This will only appear in problems that have been built with dropdown. This will be available in Explore Content as problems are updated.

Changes to existing Problem Types: In Ordering, Multiple Choice and Select All That Apply problem types, students will see images (including wiris formulas) in the answer options. Previously, only text was available in the answer choices of these problem types. This will be available in Explore Content as problems are updated.

Non-Specific Student Support Feedback Messages: When available, students will see "nonspecific feedback messages." This means that the student will see a message (image, text, etc) as a response for any incorrect answer that is submitted. This will only appear in problems that have been built with nonspecific feedback. This will be available in Explore Content as problems are updated.

Known Issue

Student Will Be Able to See Report for a Timed Skill Builder Assignment: When a teacher assigns a Skill Builder with a timer, students are be able to see the assignment report and the student is unable to work on the skill builder assignment again after 24 hours. To avoid this issue, do not use timers on Skill Builder assignments.

December 2023

ASSISTments Teacher - Teacher Experience & Student Experience

Fixed Issues 

Redo: Fixed the fact that redo problems had no part designation at the top of the assignment report. For multi-part redo problems, it was hard to tell which part was what because their part designation fell off the assignment report chart at the top. We have fixed this.

Redo: Sort order for redo problems was not defined The sort order for a problem with redo outcomes was not defined and so the order that teachers see those outcomes was not organized. The sort order is now defined as the following from highest to lowest: green score chip, green redo, orange score chip, orange redo, red score chip, red redo.

Redo: Updated student details to mark redo problems When viewing problems in student details, redo problems are now marked as such.

Assignment Report: Fixed the order of colors on the stacked bar graph at the top of the assignment report The order that the bars should be colored is green on top, then orange and then red on the bottom. The order was originally swapped, which has now been corrected.

September 2023

ASSISTments Teacher - Student Experience

New Features

Photo Cropping for Students: Students will now be able to crop images that they upload and photos that they take for open response problems.

Student Report will show hints used: Students will now be able to see what hints or explanations they used on a problem in the side pop out when they view the problems on the student assignment report.

ASSISTments Teacher - Teacher Experience & Student Experience

New Feature

REDO functionality available: Redo functionality is now available to be used by teachers. REDO assigns a similar problem to a student when they do not get the problem correct on the first attempt. The student gets the better score of the 2 problems. My Assignments and the Assignment Report will indicate which problems were assigned with REDO. For more information on this new feature, see the User Guides.

Insights Hub

New Features

Coherent Standards View: Assigned: Users can select any standard within the selected strand to view a heatmap showing assigned problems on prerequisite and subsequent standards (as well as the selected standard itself).  The selected standard is outlined in bold and has colored shading, whereas the prerequisite and subsequent standards are grayscale.

Coherent Standards View: Completed: Users can select any standard within the selected strand to view a heatmap showing the percentage completed problems on prerequisite and subsequent standards (as well as the selected standard itself).  The selected standard is outlined in bold and has colored shading, whereas the prerequisite and subsequent standards are grayscale.

Coherent Standards View: Score: Users can select any standard within the selected strand to view a heatmap showing the percentage score on completed problems on prerequisite and subsequent standards (as well as the selected standard itself).  The selected standard is outlined in bold and has colored shading, whereas the prerequisite and subsequent standards are grayscale.


New Feature

Common Wrong Answer Feedback Study: Researchers will now be able to create a study to test which feedback helps a student when they submit a common wrong answer to solve the problem correctly. The Common Wrong Answer Feedback study will automatically put students into a condition when a teacher assigns the problem to their students.

August 2023

ASSISTments Teacher - Student Experience

Fixed Issue 

Open Response Edit Field Updated to Latest Version

The Open Response edit field is updated to the latest version and now matches what the Teacher sees.

New Feature

Students can report unhelpful hints

Hints will now have a button that allows students to email ASSISTments to let us know the hint is not helpful.

ASSISTments Teacher - Teacher Experience

Fixed Issues

Printing sometimes not showing images

Users were not seeing the downloaded images for the printing preview of an assignment. This is now fixed.

Skill builder scores were not reporting correctly when uploaded to an LMS or downloaded as a CSV

Skill builder scores should be reported out as either a 0 - the student was not able to master the skill or 100 - the student was able to master the skill when a score is reported.

ASSISTments Advantage - Insights Hub

New Features

Activity By Standards - Assigned View

Insights Hub will show the current total number of assigned problems at the district, school, class, or student level on a selected strand or a series of standards with the selected strand, displayed in a heat map format.

Activity by Standards - Completed View

Insights Hub will show the current total number of completed problems as a percentage of the total assigned at the district, school, class, or student level on a selected strand or a series of standards with the selected strand, displayed in a heat map format.

Activity by Standards - Score View

Insights Hub will show the current average score of problems completed as a percentage at the district, school, class, or student level on a selected strand or a series of standards with the selected strand, displayed in a heat map format.

Download your current view into a CSV file

Click download to CSV to see your current view exported to a CSV file.

Qualitative Standard Descriptor Shows on Hover

See the qualitative description of a standard when you hover over a given standard in Activity by Standard View.

July 2023

ASSISTments - Teacher Experience

New Features

Print Assignments and Problem Sets

There are now options on assignments in My Assignments and problem sets in My Problem Sets to print the assignment or problem set.

Item Type Filter on Search By Standard Results

When you have results from a Search by Standard, teachers can now filter by problem type as well as curriculum to help narrow down the problems that they want to see.

Common Wrong Answer Feedback given to students now available to teachers

When a common wrong answer encountered by students has common wrong answer feedback that they received, teachers can now see what that feedback was by clicking on the common wrong answer in the detailed report section of the assignment report. This will open the problem details screen and that now contains a section about common wrong answers and feedback for teachers.

Instructional Recommendations are now easier to find.

When an instructional recommendation is available for a problem, there is now a lightbulb indicator to the left of the problem in the detailed report section of the assignment report. Clicking on the lightbulb will open the problem details page to the Instructional Recommendation section.

The Assignment Report can now be sorted on any Problem Column Score

Teachers can use the arrow to the right of any problem in the detailed report section of the assignment report to sort that report by that problem's score.

Fixed Issues

Remember and reuse a teacher's setting for Sort By in My Problem Sets

We will now remember and re-use a teacher's preferences as set in the Sort By in My Problem Sets.

Alert teachers when they do not have cookies enabled for ASSISTments.

ASSISTments will not work if cookies are not enabled for it in your browser. If this is the case when ASSISTments starts up, we will now pop up a warning message to enable users to fix the issue.

Teacher is Unable to Properly Type and Clear Date in Release/Due Date Fields

Users can now type in dates and are not required to use the date picker to set a due or release date.

ASSISTments - Student Experience

New Features

Answer Character Limit

Fill-in and Open Response answer types will have a character limit of 100 and 10,000, respectively. The student will be notified of the character limit when they submit the answer.

Student Overall Score

The Student Assignment Report now shows the overall assignment score at the top of the report only if the teacher is showing scores and not symbols of success.

Broken Video Button

If a student opens a support that has a video that does not work, they can now report that the video is broken. Once they report the broken video, the score for the problem gets reverted back to what it was before the student selected the support(s) and if there is another support or set of supports available for the problem, the student has the option to open those. It does not matter which hint in a set of hints the broken video is in (ex. if the broken video is in hint 3 in a hint set of 3, the student will still be reverted back as if they did not open any hints). Currently, this only works with previously authored supports. If a teacher authors a new support with a video in it, this button will not show.

Graphing Functionality in Open Response Problems

Open Response Problems now have a Graph option that allows students to create graphs within the edit box.

Known Issue

Student Preview now in Student Choice

When a teacher or researcher previews a problem set as a student, the problem set is now in Student Choice. This allows the teacher or researcher to click on any of the problems in the progress panel and navigate to that problem.

Fixed Issues

Open Response Edit Field Updated to Latest Version

The Open Response edit field is updated to the latest version and now matches what the Teacher sees.

Error pop-up for students when they do not have cookies enabled for ASSISTments

ASSISTments will not work if cookies are not enabled for it in your browser. If this is the case when ASSISTments starts up, we will now pop up a warning message to enable users to fix the issue.

ASSISTments Tutor

New Features

Click to sort by assigned date, score, and completion status

The tutor now can click to sort by assigned date, score, and completion status on the existing assignment table, allowing them to reorder their view.

Updated Graphs for Tutors

Tutors can view scores on standards in a more intuitive, horizontal bar graph arrangement.  We updated the previous graph to remove the class average bar.  Tutors can view up to four students.  The color scheme has been updated to offer more contrast between bars. 

Three new filters:  Select assignment, Date Picker, Assigned for

We added three filters so tutors could better refine the selection.  

1.  Select assignment - a modal pops up where users can select from a list of assignments with the most recently assigned populating first to view their data in the graph and assignment table.

2.  Date picker - Pick dates to constrain the data to assignments given within a date span.

3.  Assigned for - totally new and improved - we've added an ability to filter by assignment owner.  If a tutor assigns something for tutoring session, they can select it.  Or if they'd like to see only what students have done in class, they can select that!  The options are "Assigned for tutoring, assigned for classwork, assigned for both".


Known Issue

Student Preview now in Student Choice

When a teacher or researcher previews a problem set as a student, the problem set is now in Student Choice. This allows the teacher or researcher to click on any of the problems in the progress panel and navigate to that problem.

April 2023

ASSISTments - Teacher Experience

New Features

We now support more LMSs

We added support for more LMSs with a third party piece of software that we have now integrated into ASSISTments. All LMS integrations (with the exception of Google Classroom) will require an agreement with the user, school, or district because they all require an LMS administrator to make the integration with ASSISTments work. Edlink allows us to now support: Schoology and eventually we will ass MS Teams (O365), Blackboard, Moodle & Brightspace by D2L.

Teacher scored problems have blue score chips in the detailed report

Teachers-scored problems (also known as open response) have score chips that are now blue to more easily indicate that the problem was scored by the teacher.

ASSISTments - Student Experience

Known Issue

Old Browser Error Message

A new error message will tell students that their browser is too old and that they will need to update their browser to access their assignment in ASSISTments.


New Features

Support Comparison Study: Content Page

The Support Comparison Study workflow is being updated. There is a new page, Content, where the researcher will be able to either select a problem set(s) from the Curriculum Hierarchy or add a problem set(s) using the problem set ID. This functionality was previously in the Conditions page of the study.

Single Support Study Content Page

The Support Single Study workflow is being updated. There is a new page, Content, where the researcher will be able to add a problem set using the problem set ID. This functionality was previously on the Conditions page of the study.

OSF Information

On the Overview Page of each study, there will be a table with the Open Science Foundation links associated with the study. There is a Researcher ID, which is automatically populated if the researcher has added their ID to their profile page. There is also a Project ID, which is automatically populated when the study is created under The ASSISTments Foundation project folder. If the Project ID is not populated, you can manually add the link to the table.

February 2023

ASSISTments - Teacher Experience

New Features

QUICK Comments for assessing open response problems Using AI (Artificial Intelligence), we now offer all users three possible feedback options for students when scoring open response questions as well as a suggested score. Users can use the suggested feedback messages and score or enter their own. This feature is only available if the AI has enough information to make the recommendations. We hope that this will shorten the time it takes for teachers to give students feedback on the work that they turn in.

Set a timer on an assignment Teachers can now set a timer on an assignment. For those times when you want to restrict the time students spend on an assignment. This is set via an assign time option. Time is in minutes.

Fixed Issues

When searching by standard, list the standards for problems When using the Search by Standard feature in Find & Assign, each problem will now list the standard(s) that it addresses.

When listing students in alphabetical order, always use last names When listing students in alphabetical order, we now use last names instead of first names

Student assignment reports now show scores and feedback messages for open response problems  Student scores and feedback messages on open response type problems are now available to students as soon as you set them. You can give scores and feedback to students on their open response problems by clicking on the word Assess on any assignment report where there are problems that have not yet been scored or given feedback.

Sorting on the average score on the assignment report places 100 correctly On the teacher's assignment report, you can sort the report on the average score - ascending & descending. Scores of 100 are now being placed correctly as being the highest.

Teachers no longer see “NaN%“ score in the Average Score column If a teacher has assigned only open response problems in an assignment and they have not yet scored any of those, they now see no score on the assignment report.

Unable to set a release and due date on the same day Previously if you attempted to have an assignment release and be due on the same day, it would give an error. This has been fixed and should no longer pose a problem.

ASSISTments - Student Experience

New Features

Timed Assignments When a teacher selects Timed Assignments at assign-time, the student will be notified that it is a timed assignment when they open the assignment in ASSISTments. Students are notified at the start of the assignment that they are entering an assignment with a time limit on it. Once the time is completed, the assignment will end. At any time, the student can pause the assignment by leaving, and when they restart the assignment, their time will start from the paused time.

Fixed Issue

Student assignment reports now show scores and feedback messages for open response problems Student scores and feedback messages on open response type problems are now available to students as soon as you set them. You can give scores and feedback to students on their open response problems by clicking on the word Assess on any assignment report where there are problems that have not yet been scored or given feedback.

January 2023

ASSISTments - Teacher Experience

New Features

  • Ability to set delivery of scores to students: Teachers can now decide if students receive scores on their student assignment report or not. The default is that students will NOT see scores. Teachers can now go into their settings and set their desired default as well as decide at assign time (on the assign time pop-up) whether students gets scores on any given assignment.
  • Import & Synchronize Added to the User Menu: Previously the Import and Synchronize functions were only available on the assign dialog. Now they can also be accessed directly from the user menu.
  • Assign time Dialog now has 2 screens: In order to better organize and present options to teachers, the assign time dialog has been redesigned into 2 screens. This enables teachers to go back and forth between the screens to set all assign time options before making the assignment. This was done to allow for the growth in assign time options.

Fixed Issues

  • Search By Standard now returns valid skill builders: When Searching By Standard in Find & Assign, the search would often return skill builders that did not match the standard. This has been repaired and now should only return skill builders that match the standard chosen.

Known Issues

  • Student assignment reports do not show scores and feedback messages for open response problems: While teachers can score and write feedback messages for students on open response problems, ​​students will temporarily be unable to view their scores and your comments on open-response questions in their assignment report. Student scores and feedback messages are being saved and will be available to students as soon as we correct the issue. The assignment score will be properly impacted by any open response scoring that is done during this time.
  • Sorting on the average score on the assignment report places 100 incorrectly: On the teacher's assignment report, you can sort the report on the average score - ascending & descending. Currently any scores of 100 are being placed incorrectly as being the lowest scores instead of the highest.
  • Teachers see “NaN%“ score in the Average Score column: If a teacher has assigned only open response problems in an assignment and they have not yet scored any of those, they should see no score on the assignment report. Instead, the assignment report is showing "NaN%"
  • Search By Standard does not list the standards on the returned problems: When you search by standard, you may notice that the standard is not shown on the problems that meet the standard. Some problems may even have the word "Standards" with nothing listed next to it.

ASSISTments - Student Experience

New Features

  • Assignment Report: Symbols of Success: The student assignment report will only show symbols of success as the outcome of the problem. Symbols of Success are: the green checkmark is correct on the first try, the orange checkmark is correct eventually, the gray checkmark is submitted but not graded, and the magenta exclamation mark is asked for the answer
  • Progress Panel: Symbols of Success: The Progress Panel on the left side of the screen will no longer show scores of the individual problems, but the Symbols of Success for the individual problem. Symbols of Success are: the green checkmark is correct on the first try, the orange checkmark is correct eventually, the gray checkmark is submitted but not graded, and the magenta exclamation mark is asked for the answer.
  • Problem Number: The students will see a problem number instead of the problem ID at the top of the problem card when they are in an assignment.
  • Assignment Navigation: Students can go back to see previous problems in Linear, Random, and Student Choice assignment types. When they navigate back, they can review supports and Show Answer without it changing the score of the problem when it was submitted.
  • Show Answer for Multiple Choice Problems: Multiple Choice problem types will now have a Show Answer button
  • Updated Accessibility Colors: The Student Experience now has updated accessibility colors are part of the design.

Known Issues

  • Student assignment reports do not show scores and feedback messages for open response problems copy: While teachers can score and write feedback messages for students on open response problems, ​​students will temporarily be unable to view their scores and your comments on open-response questions in their assignment report. Student scores and feedback messages are being saved and will be available to students as soon as we correct the issue. The assignment score will be properly impacted by any open response scoring that is done during this time.


New Features

  • Deploy Page Updated to Preview Page: For Support Comparison and Single Support studies, the Deploy Page (the last step in the study workflow) has changed to the Preview Page. From this page, you will be able to preview the selected problem set(s) and the authored supports on one page. Using the triple dot, you'll be able to preview the problem set and problems as a student. You will also be able to deploy the study or convert it back to a draft, just as you currently do on the Deploy Page.

November 2022

New Features

ASSISTments Teacher

  • Student Support Authoring: Teacher Can Reorder Hints on a Problem: If a teacher creates more than one hint for a problem, those hints can now be reordered with the use of drag handles when editing student supports.
  • Reporting on “Chat with a Tutor” Button Use: Both the detailed assignment report and the detailed assignment pull out contain an indication when a student has clicked on the “Chat with a Tutor” button.
  • Student Details Rows for “Show Answer” & “Explanation” are Now Red: More color gradations have been added to the student details report so that a student's actions are more easily understood.
  • One Click to We have enabled clicking on the "A" or word ASSISTments in our logo in the left hand corner of the teacher experience to take you to your homepage in Previously, there was no action when a user clicked there.

E-TRIALS Platform

  • Build Page: Navigation Update: The Build page in the Single Support and Support Comparison studies has been updated. The left navigation now highlights the whole pathway from the problem set to the problem part.
  • Only Show Available Problem Sets in the Table: When in the Support Comparison Study, if you select Browse Problem Sets, the Problem Set Table now allows the user to Only Show Available problem sets.
  • Single Support Study: Conditions Page: The Conditions Page in the Single Support Study has a new look. We updated the page to simplify the study build process.
  • Support Comparison Study Allows Custom Problem Sets: When building a Support Comparison Study, you can now use a custom-built problem set. On the Conditions page, use the Add Problem Set by ID to enter the customer problem set. Note: If using a custom-built problem set, you will need to recruit your own teachers for the study.

Fixed Issues

ASSISTments Teacher

  • Assignment Report: % Sign Added to the % Score Column: We realized that our % score column on the teacher's assignment report was missing the % symbol and so we added it back.
  • Skill Builder Report was Missing Features & Functionality: The skill builder assignment report was missing the triple dot menu that allows users to access the actions of uploading the scores or saving them as a CSV.
  • Instructional Recommendations were not showing up when they were available. This has been corrected.
  • Users were Unable to Unset the Anonymize Reports Feature: It was not possible to unset the user setting that anonymizes student names. Users had to turn on the names on each report when they looked at them. Teachers can now unset that user setting.

Known Issues Currently In-Progress

E-TRIALS Platform

  • Study Workflow Update: The first step in any study workflow has been renamed to Overview.
  • Status Language Updated: When a study has not been submitted for deployment, the status is now Developing. Previously, the status was called Draft.

October 2022

New Features

ASSISTments Advantage

  • Completeness Indicator: We have added a column that visually indicates doneness to the assignment report. The symbol shows the % of the assignment that the student has completed. This column can be used to sort students in ascending or descending % of completion.
  • In Find & Assign, all problems are now tagged with the Common Core Standard Skill Codes that it addresses.
  • Open Response Grading Page: This has been updated to ensure teachers will see the main problem as well as their students’ responses to Open Response Questions.

ASSISTments Advantage

  • In Insights Hub, the year selected and for which the data in Insights Hub is reflecting, is now displayed at the top of the Insights Hub screens.

E-TRIALS Platform

  • New User Onboarding: When a new user creates an account, they now have the option to complete their user profile
  • Mix and Match: When a teacher creates a Mix and Match assignment with a problem set that is used in an experiment, the students will still be put into a condition of the experiment.
  • Confirm Switch Supports: Researchers on the Build Page will be notified that switching from support types (from hints to explanation or vice versa) will delete the previously written support, and they will be asked to confirm the switch.
  • Build Page will show answers: Researchers will now be able to see the answers for the problem they are working on. If the problem type is multiple choice, ordering, or select all, the researcher will see all of the answer options as well.
  • Show Answer for Hints: When a researcher is on the Build Page and they are writing hints as their student supports, they will now see the Show Answer option after the hints they author. This is to indicate that students that receive hints at their student support(s) will have a Show Answer button as an option once they have seen all of the hints.

Fixed Issues

ASSISTments Teacher

  • When editing a problem set in My Problem Sets and you have problems selected, you can now delete if you select the action Delete Problem.  
  • When a student leaves a Google Classroom, teachers can now use the Synchronize feature and students will be removed from ASSISTments assignments.
  • When setting a release date of today, you will no longer get an error message.

Known Issues Currently In-Progress

ASSISTments Teacher

  • For Canvas teachers only, if you delete an assignment in Canvas, you will not be able to then delete the corresponding assignment in ASSISTments. To avoid this, delete assignments through ASSISTments - this will ensure that the assignment is deleted from BOTH Canvas and the My Assignments listing in ASSISTments.

August 2022

New Features and Fixed Issues:

New Features


  • Teachers can now add hints to a problem: When viewing problems in Find & Assign, teachers can select Edit Student Supports and add a set of hints or an explanation to any problem that is not an open response. The hints or explanation will be made available to students when they are working on that problem. Teachers can see how these will work by using Preview as a Student.
  • Teacher can now add an explanation to a problem: When viewing problems in Find & Assign, teachers can select Edit Student Supports and add a set of hints or an explanation to any problem that is not an open response. The hints or explanation will be made available to students when they are working on that problem. Teachers can see how these will work by using Preview as a Student.
  • In-product help now available: The Help Center allows users quick access to guided tours, all User Resources & FAQs, webinar schedule, as well as the ability to email support. Click the Help icon in the upper right-hand corner.

E-TRIALS Platform

  • Problem Set Table Update: Users will now see the number of Open Response problems with a problem set on the Problem Set Table
  • Default Study for All Users The Single Support Study will be the only study available for all users until they update their settings in the Settings page to add all studies
  • Profile Settings Page The Profile Setting Page allows users to provide more information about themselves and update settings to have access to all study types

Fixed Issues


  • Progress reset of student now refreshes view: When a teacher deletes a student's progress, the assignment report now refreshes the report to show that the student has had their progress deleted.

Known Issues Currently In-Progress


  • When viewing problems in a problem set in My Problem Sets, you cannot delete problems from problem sets when they are selected (check box checked). If the problem is unselected, it can then be deleted.
  • In My Problem Sets, if you have a problem set with only one problem in it, you will be unable to delete the final problem. In order to remove the problem set, select Delete Problem Set in My Problem Sets.
  • When attempting to set a release date of today, you will get an error message, although it will allow the release of the assignment despite the error message.
  • For Canvas teachers only, if you delete an assignment in Canvas, you will not be able to then delete the corresponding assignment in ASSISTments. To avoid this, delete assignments through ASSISTments - this will ensure that the assignment is deleted from BOTH Canvas and the My Assignments listing in ASSISTments.
  • When a student leaves a Google Classroom, they are not being removed from ASSISTments assignments.

Insights Hub

  • Safari does not display the Achievement tab correctly: When using Safari, the names of the assessments on the graph at the top of the Achievement tab overlap.
  • Loading data can take up to 10 seconds: If there are more than 10 teachers in your Insights Hub, it can take  up to 10 seconds to load the data.

July 2022

The following are new features and fixed issues added in this months’ ASSISTments update:

My Problem Sets

  • Problem sets are now ordered with the most recently created at the top

Reports & Data

  • We now report out the number of days late a student is on the assignment report

Known issues we are currently working on:

  • If a student is removed from a class in Google Classroom, they may continue to show up on assignment reports despite synchronizing classes.
  • Deleting problems from problem sets does not work if the problem is selected. In order to remove a problem from a problem set, make sure it is not selected.

May 2022

The following are new features added in this months’ ASSISTments update:

My Assignments

  • After editing an assignment’s information, ASSISTments will automatically update the view for the teacher. Refreshing the page is no longer necessary
  • When navigating back from an assignment using the links at the top of the assignment report, ASSISTments will maintain all filters and sorting preferences
  • When using the link at the top of the assignment report to get back to a place in the hierarchy of content, ASSISTments will now automatically go to that place in the hierarchy and have it open for users to see

My Problem Sets

  • Edit Problem Set Details now allows the name of the problem set to be modified

Reports & Data

  • Open Response editor has been upgraded to more easily allow students to:

          - Correct on the first try

          - Correct on some other try than the first

          - Incorrect because the student saw the answer

April 2022

The following are new features added in this months’ ASSISTments update:

Find & Assign

  • When the release date is not valid for an assignment being made, a more useful error message will help teachers know what to fix to allow the assignment to be made.

Reports & Data

  • On the assignment report, at the top of the report, when there is no Common Wrong Answer for the problem, the table entry will be left  blank instead of using “NA”.
  • The information pop-up that explains the scoring on the assignment report has updated text to better explain a red zero.

March 2022

The following are new features added in this months’ ASSISTments update:

Find & Assign

  • A new filter, “Released State Tests” is now available within search by skill results. You will now be able to quickly identify any problems from released state test questions directly in the results of the search.

Reports & Data

  • Fixed an issue that was not allowing the hiding of student names in the standard view of the Assignment Report. 
  • Fixed an issue that the Skill Builder report that was not sorting the report correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where filtering on the status in My Assignments was not working correctly for Released Items. (Assignments in this status will now be correctly shown as having that status.)
  • Fixed the Search By Standard, which was not always refreshing to newly selected search criteria.
  • Fixed the issue where the student details was reporting actions in the wrong order.

February 2022

The following are new features added in this months’ ASSISTments update:

Find & Assign

  • Assessments for ENY and IM have been reorganized to be listed by module with the rest of the problems that can be assigned. (early March)

My Problem Sets

  • Fixed an issue when creating a new problem set, that you can lose the focus to the new problem set name and it can be difficult to keep the focus.

Reports & Data

  • Fixed an issue with student submitted work being too small to see when scoring and giving feedback on open response problems. The work is now clickable and will pop-up large for the teacher to see the work clearly. 
  • Fixed an issue where the date was not appearing on the student details report.
  • Fixed an issue where when scrolling through different student details, the students were not presenting in the order they were in on the assignment report. 
  • Fixed an issue where the scoring and feedback page for open response problems was not alphabetizing students by last name. 
  • Fixed an issue with student answers that had been created using the math editor (WIRIS) were not being reported visually correctly on the scoring & feedback page for open response problems. 
  • Fixed an issue where hiding Student Names on the assignment report were not mixing up the students so that it was possible for students to figure out who was who

January 2022

The following are new features added in this months’ ASSISTments update:

Find & Assign

  • Assign to a subset of a class(es) - Teachers can now choose which students to assign an assignment to through the assign pop-up window. The assignment report will then reflect this by reporting only on those to whom it was assigned.

Reports & Data

  • The Student Details report (which you get to be selecting a student’s name in the assignment report) has been updated to the new look and feel of ASSISTments.
  • The Open Response Scoring report (also known as essay scoring) has been updated to the new look and feel of ASSISTments
  • The Skill Builder Report now enables teachers to delete student progress and the row will turn green when a student has completed the skill builder successfully.

Known issues we are currently working on:

  • When you Hide Student Names on the assignment report, it is not randomizing the students, making it easier to identify students on the report.
  • Sometimes you have to refresh the page in ASSISTments to see all of your assignments correctly.

November 2021

The following are new features added in this months’ ASSISTments update:


  • Improvements have been made to increase the speed of rendering the results of a search, showing the list of assignments, and showing the list of My Problem Sets

Reports & Data

  • The Skillbuilder report has been updated to reflect the new look and feel of ASSISTments

September 2021

The following are new features added in this months’ ASSISTments update:

My Assignments

  • Delete Assignment is now available. Teachers can now delete assignments.
  • All assignments are now visible for a class regardless of who assigned them.


  • Assignments in Test Mode will only have Green/Red colored score chips on the Assignment Report to indicate Correct/Incorrect. Open response problems, scores will be colored green for a score of 4, red for a score of 0 and orange for all others scores in between.
  • Teachers now have access to the assignment report when no student has yet started it

Student Experience

  • Open Response editor has been upgraded to more easily allow students to:

          - Take a picture

           - Submit a file

           - Draw their answer

August 2021

Welcome to the Fresh New Look of ASSISTments!

The following is the functionality that has been added to ASSISTments in the Fresh New Look:


  • The new look keeps a teacher-user in the same window and has been redesigned to be easier to use

Find & Assign

  • Content for Open Education Resources (OER) is now organized by lesson
  • Search by keyword or common core standard
         -  You can then go to the problem set from the results of a search
  • New assign-time options:
         -  Test Mode
         -  Problem Order

My Assignments - new view that allows teacher-users to:

  • See all of the assignments that they have made
  • Filter assignments by class or status
  • Sort assignments by release or due date
  • View all assignment details, including:
       -  The number of problems in the assignment
       -  Release date of assignment
       -  Due date of assignment
       -  Standards addressed in the assignment
  • View the assignment (or skill builder) report
  • Edit the assignment name or due date & release date (if they have not already passed)
  • Reassign an assignment
  • Preview an assignment as a student

My Problems - new view that allows teacher-users to:

  • Create problem sets from any combination of ASSISTments content
  • Add & Delete problems from a problem set
  • Duplicate & Delete problem sets
  • Reorder the problems in a problem set
  • Assign a problem set to your classes

Reports & Data

  • The assignment report has been upgraded to be more user-friendly and to show more information for teachers
  • There is now a standards view to the assignment report
  • Scores can now be uploaded directly to Google Classroom and Canvas from any assignment or skill builder report

Settings are now available for:

  • Account information
  • Preferences
  • Feature Settings

For those of you have been using the beta, the following are the incremental new features that were added in this latest release:


  • We are now collecting user information on new users when they Sign Up
         -  School
         -  Grades
         -  Curricula
  • User information can be set for all in Settings

Find & Assign

  • Assign Time Options - Test Mode can now be added to any assignment
  • You can now go to the complete Problem Set from a problem found in search results

My Assignments

  • Fixed an issue causing there to be unnamed assignments

Reports & Data

  • Instructional Recommendations now being delivered for problems where they exist as part of the assignment report for 7th grade Illustrative Math, OpenUp, and EngageNY
  • All users will now see the updated assignment report
  • Static columns in the assignment report (not problems) are now sortable
  • Standard View now has a row to show how many problems relate to that standard in the given assignment

June 2021 - The Fresh New Look beta

In this release, all of these features from the initial beta are also available.

The following are the new features that were added in this release.

As the beta progresses, we will be adding new features.

We will alert you to changes as they are made available to you


  • Logout now works
  • Settings page now exists and can be used to set:
         -  Account Settings
                   -  User Name
                   -  First Name
                   -  Last Name
                   -  Display Name
         -  Preferences
                  -  Time Zone
                  -  Anonymize assignment report when opening as default
         -  Feature Settings
                   -  Student Supports

Reports & Data

  • Updated Assignment Report
  • Delete Student Progress is now working

May 2021 - The Fresh New Look beta

The following are the new features that were added in this release.

As the beta progresses, we will be adding new features. We will alert you to changes as they are made available to you

My Problem Sets

  • Fixed an issue where teachers were seeing problem sets that they had not created in My Problem Sets

Student Experience

  • Student supports have been turned on for 6-8 middle school open educational resources, so students will have exposure to hints and explanations. For more information on this, click here.

March 2021 - The Fresh New Look beta

The following are the new features that were added in this release.

As the beta progresses, we will be adding new features. We will alert you to changes as they are made available to you.


  • Redesigned UI using a new framework - VUE

Find & Assign

  • Finding problems in the content library is now done in one screen
  • In the Open Educational Resources, many curricula are now broken out by lesson
  • Can now search by common core standard for problems & skill builders
  • Assign time options now include Problem Order selection with 3 possible settings - Linear, Random & Student Choice

My Problem Sets

  • Create your own problem sets from all ASSISTments content
  • Add & remove problems to/from a problem set
  • Modify problems sets (name & order of problems)
  • Assign problem sets
  • Duplicate problem sets
  • Delete problems sets
  • See the Student Preview of a problem set
  • Sort problem sets alphabetically by their name

My Assignments

  • View a complete list of assignments
  • Filter assignments by class
  • Filter assignments by status
  • Sort assignments by due date & release date
  • View assignment details
  • View the assignment or skill builder report for an assignment
  • See the Student Preview of an assignment

Reports & Data

  • There are no new or revamped reports for this release.

Student Experience