To see a list of all assignments you have assigned, click “My Assignments” on the left side of your screen. By default, you will see a comprehensive list of all your assignments in order from most recently assigned.
Your assignments can be filtered by class or status. You can also sort by date.
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There are two actions you can do for any assignment. You can click on the report symbol to access the report or select from an action in the triple dot menu.
Click on the triple dot to the right of the assignment title to find addition options:
If you click on the assignment you will see the option to ‘View Report’, details including the fraction of students who completed the assignment, the total number of problems, the selected release and due dates as well as the standards assigned to the problems in the problem set.
Note: If the assignment is a Skill Builder and you click ‘View Report’ you will see the Skill Builder Report, not the regular Assignment Report.