Timed Assignments

Teachers have the ability, when assigning problems, to put a time limit on how long a student will have to complete the problems.  When you click ‘Assign to Class’, on the Student Experience screen, you will see the option to ‘Set Time Limit’.  When you toggle this on, you will have the ability to set a timer between 1 and 60 minutes.

When a timer is set, students will see the time limit when they first enter the assignment. 

When the student clicks ‘Start Assignment’ they will also receive a pop-up notifying them of the time limit.

As students complete their assignment, the timer will appear in the top right corner of their screen.  

Note:  Students have the ability to press the pause button in the timer to pause the assignment.  Once this is done, they can click ‘Continue’ to resume the assignment. 

If a student runs out of time, they will lose access to the problems and will receive a notification that the time limit for the assignment has been exceeded.

The total time spent as well as the amount of time paused will both appear in the Detailed Report of your Assignment Report for each student. 

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