5 Tips for Getting Started

Tip #1:  Message to students and parents that the score from ASSISTments will not be used as a grade.  You can modify and send our parent letter template to support this outreach.

Tip #2:  Create a system that ensures students show their work.  You can try using our Student Reflection Form.

Tip #3:  Make the first assignments low-stakes so students can get to know the system.  You can try using our Student Practice Assignments!  Learn more about how to use these Practice Assignments here.

Tip #4: Start reviewing assignment data from Day 1.  Build this habit early!  You can check out this video of an ASSISTments teacher reviewing data remotely.

Tip #5: Model a clear protocol for open response questions (e.g. upload a picture, use an online drawing tool, take a screenshot). You can try using our Open Response Student Tutorial.

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