The Student Report

What is the purpose of this report?

The Student Report appears after a student submits an assignment in ASSISTments. The report will show students their score by problem and overall, as well as the class average (for any students that have completed the assignment). This is also where they can view any scores or feedback added to open response questions by the teacher (once it has been provided).

How do students access the report?

Students automatically are taken to this student report after they complete an assignment. They can refer back to it at any time by clicking on the assignment link within either Google Classroom or Canvas.  Note:  If you assign in Test Mode, students will only receive a Student Report if you have chosen the correct Feature Setting, see the bottom of this resource for more information. 

How should students interpret this report?

The picture below highlights the key components of the Student Report. Students should use the report to reflect on their progress and any feedback from their teacher (once provided). Pairing assignment review with a reflection sheet like this one can be helpful.

For the Symbols of Success:

a) Problem complete by students

b) The score will show the symbols based on students response

c) Hints usages shows the number of times students needs a hint overall

For Scores and Average:

a) Problem complete by students

b) The actual score students received 

c) Class average shows overall average scored by class per question

d) Hints usages shows the number of times students needs a hint overall

Hints in Reports:

Student will be able to see the hints they used on their report

Viewing Reports in Test Mode

Students can only view reports for assignment assigned in Test Mode if the teacher has checked the box (see below) to ‘Deliver student report at the end of the assignment’ within the Test Mode Feature Settings. 

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