Do I have to re-assign an assignment if I want a student to re-do the assignment?

If you want an individual or selection of students to re-do the assignment, we recommend deleting progress for each of those students. You can do this by individually clicking the triple-dot next to each student's name in the relevant Assignment Report and clicking "Delete Student Progress."  

If you want the entire class to re-do the assignment, you will need to re-assign it. This means going to the 'My Assignments' tab in your ASSISTments account, finding the assignment, clicking the triple-dot in the top right corner of the assignment, and clicking 'Re-assign'. If you are reassigning the same thing, we recommend differentiating the name for students.

If you want the entire class to re-do the assignment, you will need to re-assign it. This means going back to the problem set you assigned, and following these steps (Canvas, Google Classroom) . If you are reassigning the same thing, we recommend differentiating the name for students.

You can also select ‘Redo’ at Assign Time.  Selecting ‘Redo’ will:

  • assign a similar problem (when available) to students when they get less than 100%.
  • modify the student score to take the better of the 2 problems done.
  • modify the assignment report to show teachers student performance on the similar problems as well as original ones.

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