Saving to My Problem Sets

Using My Problem Sets is a way for you to save a custom problem set without assigning to students (and that you can refer back to and assign whenever you want). This allows you to create your own library of problem sets from the thousands of problems that are available in ASSISTments.

  1. Search the content library and choose the problems you’d like to save to My Problem Sets (For more support on how to do this, see Creating Custom Problem Sets).
  2. Once you have selected the problems you’d like to include using the selection box to the right, click the dropdown next to the Assign button and choose Save to My Problem Sets. 
  1. Create a title for your problem set and press the “Create & Save to My Problem Sets” button.
  1. You will receive confirmation that your problem set was successfully saved into “My Problem Sets”. Press Done or View Problem Set to view this problem set.
  1. To access your saved problem sets, click on “My Problem Sets” on the left side of your screen  
  1. Click on the triple dot to the right of the assignment title to find addition options:

        a. Open Problem Set - View the individual problems in the problem set 

        b. Edit Problem Set Details - Change/modify the title of the assignment.

        c. Duplicate Problem Set - Create copy of the assignment and change/modify as needed

        d. Preview as Student - A new window will open with the problem set in student view. You will  see what the student sees and run through the problem.

        e. Delete Problem Set - This will delete the problem set from your ASSISTments account. Please note -  if you have already assigned this problem set that         assignment will not be effected it will still show up in your LMS. 

  1. You can organize My Problem Sets sets by sorting by name (Descending or Ascending)

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