Understanding Test Mode vs Practice Mode

What is Test Mode?

Teachers have the ability to deliver assignments to students in Test Mode.  Assignments in Test Mode are different from those in Practice Mode.  In Test Mode, students do not receive immediate feedback, get multiple attempts on each problem, have access to the ‘Show Answer’ button, or (optional) receive a student report after finishing the assignment.  Likewise, Assignment Reports for assignments in Test Mode will show in green (correct) and pink (incorrect) unless they receive partial credit on an open response (which will show in orange).  See the chart below for an overview of the differences between Practice Mode and Test Mode:

Using Test Mode:

If you would like to use Test Mode when assigning, make your selections for Assignment Options, then click “Next.” On this screen, click the toggle button for Test Mode so that it turns blue.  This tells you that Test Mode has been turned on for this assignment.

Disabling Test Mode:

To disable Test Mode in your account, start by clicking your name in the top right corner and clicking ‘Settings’.

Then, navigate to the ‘Feature Settings’ tab.  

  1. Unclick the checkbox next to ‘Enable Test Mode at Assign Time’
  2. Note: This is also where you can choose to enable/disable student reports when students complete an assignment.
  3. Make sure to click ‘Save Changes’ in the bottom right corner of the screen.  

You will now see that the option is removed on the Assign-Time Options screen.  


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