When my students are answering the questions, they have the option to click "Show Answer." Is there an option to take this out?

Unfortunately, no (with one exception. See below*). The "Show Answer" button is a way for students to progress with their assignment when they are stuck, by revealing and allowing them to submit the correct answer. Please note we make it very obvious when a student has pressed show answer. The student's score on that question automatically drops to 0% and that student's response will be shown in red on the assignment report.

Students can click ‘Show Answer’ after clicking the ‘Get Help’ button if there are no available Student Supports.  

Once students are given the answer, they will receive feedback that their answer is correct.

The red circle with a lightning bolt symbol will appear in their progress bar, indicating that they clicked ‘Show Answer’.  

We recommend messaging to students that they should only press "show answer" if they are truly stuck and need to move onto the next problem. If you are seeing students misusing the button, we recommend a conversation to message expectations, and then letting the student try again (you can do this by clicking on the triple dot next to the student name from the assignment report and selecting "delete progress")

*Note that the "Show Answer" button does not appear when an assessment is set in Test Mode. This applies to all Illustrative Math, Open Up Resources, and Engage NY/Eureka Math assessments as well as any problem set you've assigned in Test Mode.

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