Empower Math Educators with the ASSISTments Professional Learning Community Guide

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Learn to harness student data, promote collaboration, and enhance teaching practices for better student outcomes with the ASSISTments PLC Guide.

In the dynamic landscape of education, fostering professional learning communities (PLCs) that promote collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and student-centered instruction is paramount. Over the past four years, ASSISTments, in collaboration with Lesley University Center for Mathematics Achievement, has pioneered a virtual mathematics professional learning community (PLC) that has reached 130 middle school educators across the country across 12 cohorts.

This PLC emphasized the value of discussion and use of authentic student learning data collected via ASSISTments. With each cohort of teachers, our facilitators iterated on the model using feedback to create a PLC structure that provides teachers with a collaborative environment to learn how data can enhance teaching and student learning.

Now, we’re excited to publish a comprehensive guide that empowers math leaders to facilitate this highly engaging and impactful PLC model in their own schools and district environments.

At the heart of our PLC Facilitation Guide lies a plethora of resources, including slide decks, tools, and strategies meticulously crafted to facilitate vibrant and engaging mathematics PLCs. Here's how our guide can empower you to create a learning environment where educators thrive:

Cultivating Classroom Cultures

Our guide equips facilitators with the tools to help teachers cultivate classroom cultures that embrace mistakes, promote student agency, and foster mathematical identity. By leveraging authentic student data collected through ASSISTments, educators can personalize instruction and create meaningful learning experiences tailored to individual student needs.

Harnessing the Power of Data

With our guide, educators will learn how to harness the power of data to provide timely feedback and inform instructional decisions. From identifying misconceptions to tracking student progress through ASSISTments, educators learn how to make data-informed choices that drive student success.

Facilitating Meaningful Discourse

Engaging students in meaningful mathematical discourse is essential for deepening conceptual understanding and fostering a collaborative learning community. Our guide provides facilitators with strategies that model how to facilitate rich discussions that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge sharing among educators.

Our facilitation guide helps you facilitate a PLC that is beyond your typical professional development. Here are two key advantages that set our model apart:

  1. Active Participation and Collaboration: Our mathematics PLCs foster active participation and collaboration among educators, creating an environment where diverse perspectives, insights, and best practices are shared and celebrated. Through collaborative engagement with peers, educators can innovate, problem-solve, and collectively address common challenges in teaching and learning.

  2. Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Our PLCs serve as continuous learning platforms, offering workshops and peer-led discussions for ongoing skill development. By sharing successful data routines and exploring the potential of student data, educators embark on a journey of continuous growth and development, enriching their teaching practice and enhancing student outcomes.

But don't just take our word for it. Here's what participants have to say about their experience with ASSISTments guided PLCs:

  • Alfons P. - “This year in ASSISTments has been a very fun time for me!! The best part of ASSISTments is the way it is easily connectable to my daily routine. I used to think that Assistments would be hard to get students into a routine, but now I know that it is a seamless process.” 

  • Jennifer R. - “ASSISTments allows me to track progress on students and collect data. It is great to use to reinforce a concept or review a concept.” 

  • Derek V. - “The mindset growth for my students and I was driven by two things: the use of ASSISTments on a regular basis and the PLC group every couple weeks.  Trying new things within the classroom, reviewing reports, and learning from mistakes allowed for natural growth.  Sharing this growth by talking about successes and failures allowed for sharing new ideas, which created a comprehensive learning environment that was easily translated to my classroom.”

  • Kristina C. - “ASSISTments allows me to practice fluency, prepare for computer-based testing, and differentiate my instruction.” 

By embracing the ASSISTments guided PLC model, you can transform professional learning experiences, enrich teaching practices, and ultimately enhance student outcomes. Download our PLC Facilitation Guide today and embark on a collaborative learning and growth journey with ASSISTments by your side. Together, we can empower educators and inspire student success.

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