Quick summary:
ASSISTments Ambassador Andrew Burnett was in his 15th year of teaching when he was asked to join the ASSISTments team. His task was to help conduct a long-term educational study by training and supporting the teachers that were participating in an independent research project. Burnett communicated with 70 teachers all around the Northeast about implementing ASSISTments in their classrooms.
After his time conducting educational research, Burnett has seen a major shift in his understanding of his students, particularly the 20 percent that struggled year after year in math. He found that the students that declared early in the school year that they “aren’t good at math” had not only shown strong gains in understanding, but they leave the class at the end of the year declaring that “math is their favorite subject.”
In this article, Burnett discusses how he believes his time conducting educational research made him a stronger teacher.