The Benefits of Adding Yup Live Tutoring to ASSISTments for a Virtual School Teacher

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Reema Alnizami, head of the math department at Legacy International Online High School shares the student learning benefits she's seen by adding Yup Live Tutoring to her ASSISTments account.

I am Reema Alnizami and I am the head of the math department at Legacy International Online High School. In addition, I also teach Pre-algebra, Algebra, and Geometry at my school. I use ASSISTments exclusively for both practice (formative) and assessment (summative) problems in our Pre-algebra, Algebra, and Geometry courses. I cannot imagine teaching virtually without ASSISTments! I chose to use ASSISTments for our school due to the following reasons:

  • ASSISTments is easy to use for both the teacher and students
  • ASSISTments functions allow for differentiating instruction and scaffolding based on individual students’ needs
  • ASSISTments support team is outstanding! They provide personalized support within a very short time of requests for help.

Learning Agency Increased

My students started using the integration with on demand tutoring provider Yup and ASSISTments during the 21/22 school year. This service was an advantageous scaffolding addition to the ASSISTments' existing functions. Since we subscribed to Yup, I have noticed an increase in the percentage of students completing assignments. Based on my observations and my students’ feedback about using Yup, it seems that students are starting to feel more motivated to start working on their assignments. They feel more confident working individually, knowing that they have access to a live expert tutor when they do not have immediate access to my help. I also started getting fewer emails from my students asking for support on specific problems.

Instruction Time Efficiency Increased

Legacy International is an international school so we have students from different time zones in the world in a single class. Having 24-7 access to a live tutor helps my students come to class ready to learn new concepts the following instruction day, regardless of their time zone. Since students have access to the tutoring service on the homework, less time is spent going over problems during the following session meeting, resulting in more efficient use of instruction time with my students. This was specifically useful for test reviews; I generally assign a review problem set through ASSISTments before giving unit tests and when students’ use the Yup service on the review, it allows them to complete the review successfully and they feel more prepared for the test. Because they get their questions answered by the Yup tutors, I am spending less time going over students’ questions about the review problems on the test day.

ASSISTments Supports + Yup Live Tutoring = Motivated Learners

ASSISTments offers supportive tools for students such as hints, explanations and immediate feedback. Yup provides added support through a live tutor, who is able to communicate with the students and, at times, make connections with them to help them stay motivated. For example, one of my students shared that the tutor was “very patient and will stay till the end until you understand.” Another student shared that the tutor “was GREAT! Also, his favorite food is one of my favorites too! ;)”

Overall, I think that incorporating Yup with ASSISTments can help with the management of instruction time and students’ homework completion.

Get Yup Live Tutoring for your Students

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Listen to Reema speak about her experience with Yup Live Tutoring in ASSISTments.

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