Teachers For Research & Feedback

This program fuels improvements to math education and the ASSISTments platform. Open to any teacher - we love new users! - when you become a part of the Teachers For Research & Feedback (TFRF) community you'll receive a free monthly newsletter featuring paid opportunities, professional development, and first access to education insights.

Become An ASSISTments Teacher For Research & FeedbackSee What's In The Latest Newsletter

ASSISTments is a free tool for math education that allows teachers to assign content from their curriculum online as a virtual enhancement to instruction. Students get immediate feedback and teachers get rich data insights to make assignments and class time more meaningful.

Core to our mission is that we serve both teachers impacting learning in classrooms and researchers studying works best for kids in education. When it comes to improving our platform and conducting
research to make it better, we want teacher voices to be at the forefront. This is why we started Teachers for Research & Feedback.

Sign-up for this free monthly newsletter to become a Teacher for Research & Feedback. You'll join a community of educators who love being at the cutting edge of math instruction and are excited to play a role shaping the ASSISTments product.

Questions? Reach out to Allishah Luke


When you sign-up, you will be the first to hear about...

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Paid opportunities for improving ASSISTments (via focus groups, and supporting research and development of new features)
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Researchers looking for teachers to test new interventions that improve student math achievement.
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New or upcoming features in the product (and chances to test them out and give input)

The newsletter will also spotlight teachers within the community and the great work they are doing to get involved!

Am I a Good Fit?

If this sounds like you, then sign up to receive the Teachers for Research & Feedback newsletter.

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You Are Interested In What’s Happening On The Cutting Edge Of Education Research And Like The Idea Of Contributing Your Expertise As An Educator

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You are excited about testing out new features and sharing your feedback

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You Want To Play A Leadership Role In Making ASSISTments As Awesome As It Can Be For Other Teachers And Students

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You can commit as little as 45 minutes to a study. The time commitment is really flexible, depending on the study. you get to decide what interests you

Featured Teachers

Claire Rigoulot
7th and 8th Grade Math Teacher
I would absolutely recommend Teachers For Research & Feedback opportunities! Be sure to ask questions if there is something that isn't working for you! Every thought and feature I have asked about has always been met with consideration. The ASSISTments team really wants the program to work for educators and students.
Joaquine J. Pina
7th Grade Math co-Lead
I love using science and data to help guide my work in terms of what works and what could be done better. My work with ASSISTments on the study enabled me to enhance my lessons and the impact was truly amazing! The students have made unbelievable gains that we would not have seen had we not been part of the research.

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