ASSISTments highlighted in WWC review on “What Works” for distance learning

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 In January 2021, IES/What Works Clearinghouse published a review that looked at 932 studies evaluating the effects of distance learning practices or programs on student academic outcomes. ASSISTments is one of only 4 programs that came out with their top rating.

We are thrilled to have been highlighted as one of only four top rated programs presented in a recent report from the What Works Clearinghouse reviewing academic studies on distance learning interventions. Having previously received a Tier 1 rating from Evidence for ESSA and meeting WWC standards “without reservations,” this review reaffirms the importance of evidence-based interventions that support the evolving teaching and learning needs of our educators and students. The WWC report on distant learning reviews an independent study conducted by SRI International, which found that students who used ASSISTments almost doubled the normal amount of math learning observed in a year.

Excerpt from the report: Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, educators and school administrators need to understand the available distance learning models and programs that may assist students who attend school from a remote location. To meet this need, this rapid evidence review sought to identify and report on what works in distance learning educational programming. After an extensive search and screening process [that started with 932 studies], the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviewed 36 studies spanning kindergarten through postsecondary education. Fifteen studies met the WWC Group Design Standards; of those, four met the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Tier 1 requirements. 

ASSISTments was one of those* four.

With both efficacy research on our tool and support for researchers studying how students learn best as two core components of our mission at ASSISTments, we continue to develop programming to bridge the gap between learning science and the classroom.

* This blog was modified on March 9th, 2021 to include new research.

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