ASSISTments is excited to announce the release of Student Support Authoring, which gives you the freedom to create custom hints and explanations for math problems you are assigning to your students. This new tool affords teachers with the flexibility to add hints and explanations themselves, with language and examples that mirror their instruction. In this way, teachers can provide students with support while they complete ASSISTments problems that match their needs.
Authoring Hints and Explanations also allows the teacher to provide baseline supports for all students so they can focus their class time providing in-person support to the students that need the most.
This may be particularly useful when you are assigning to a subset of your class for differentiation. You can now create that problem set and customize your hints and explanations for that particular group of students.
For the whole class, you might leverage this new feature by adding your own hints and explanations that reflect common sources of misunderstanding and adding hints that reference key resources or notes that students should leverage as they complete problems.
Here’s how it works:
- When viewing problems in Find & Assign, select Edit Student Supports and add a set of hints or an explanation to any problem that is not an open response.
- The hints or explanation will be made available to students when they are working on that problem.
- Teachers can see how these will work by using Preview as a Student. Just click the triple dot in the top right corner of any problem to select the option to author student supports.
That’s it! You only need to add your hints/explanations to a problem once, and then whenever you assign that problem, your students can use these supports if they need them.
Get more detail on how to create hints and explanations for your students in the User Resource Center.