Cathryn starts every day with ASSISTments as bell work. Students complete 2 or 3 self-graded questions and then 1 or 2 short answer questions and she likes when her students explain their thinking because it helps her determine if they understand the content or if they're just guessing. The grading screen for open response questions in ASSISTments helps Cathryn to grade and provide feedback quickly.
Throughout the year she has seen her students’ open responses grow to be more complete and in depth to fully show their understanding. She can tell that they are taking her feedback and changing their writing habits through ASSISTments.
How ASSISTments Helps Cathryn's Students
Cathryn has seen her students’ confidence in their mathematical understanding and reflection skills grow. Through the multiple chances students have in ASSISTments, Cathryn’s students have become more reflective in their learning process and they try to determine what they did incorrectly and what they should change for the next attempt.
She hears a lot of “OH! Now I see what I did!" from her students.