Build Confidence, Consistency, and Capacity – in Every Math Classroom

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ASSISTments Advantage is a comprehensive solution that boosts learning exponentially with actionable insight and instructional support for teachers, instructional coaches and school leaders.

Every ASSISTments teacher knows that student learning data analytics are critical for informing instruction and identifying students who may be struggling with a concept or skill, so they may provide appropriate interventions. ASSISTments has been proven to make a significant impact on student learning growth and provided pathways for teachers to use formative data in daily instructional routines.

Imagine the Impact

Imagine the district-wide impact these data-driven instructional tools and practices would have if applied across every classroom in your district.

We wondered how a bird’s-eye view into every math classroom’s learning data would help districts achieve target learning goals. We asked ourselves, teachers, math department leaders, and school administrators what would change if teachers and school leaders had the ability to see and leverage learning data at any moment of any day. We asked whether a system-wide approach to data-driven instruction and management would support new teachers. We asked what it would take for instructional leaders and coaches to pinpoint where teachers require additional support at any moment of any day and how much more effective they would be with that information. The answers to those questions were the driving force behind the development of ASSISTments Advantage.

Student learning data analytics are critical for instructional leaders to effectively drive system-wide improvements in teaching and learning, not just at the end of each grading period, but every single day. When administrators and instructional coaches have deeper understandings, based on data and not anecdotal observation, they know precisely where their curriculum is being implemented with fidelity. They can zero in on what’s working and what’s not. By analyzing the data, administrators can instantly see patterns and trends across all classrooms so they can identify opportunities and measure outcomes.

Laser-focused on Closing Learning Gaps

Most school and district leaders are passionate about closing learning gaps in every classroom, in every subject area. At ASSISTments, our focus is on the many ways real-time learning data in math can and does uncover opportunities for learning, allows for differentiation teachers only dream about, and helps you reach your district achievement goals.

ASSISTments Advantage is a comprehensive solution that boosts learning exponentially with actionable insight and instructional support for teachers, instructional coaches and school leaders.

ASSISTments Advantage isn’t about adding another task or initiative to your overflowing plate (already overwhelmed teachers, principals, and instructional coaches, and administrators). It’s about combining your existing curriculum, student practice, actionable data, classroom insight and instructional support to help students become confident in math. It’s about helping schools dramatically improve outcomes by harnessing the untapped potential of classroom-level data.

Supercharging Data-driven Math Instruction

Insights Hub

At the core of ASSISTments Advantage is the Insights Hub your school and district transformation tool. Easy access to performance data visualizations help you guide instructional methods, modify strategies for improving teaching math, and measure progress toward district achievement goals.

It’s not just the data that makes ASSISTments Advantage work for you, it’s the personalized implementation planning, staff capacity building, and flexible, ongoing training and support - for instructional leaders and teachers.

School and District Implementation and Support

Success Planning

Dedicated School Success Manager guides the development of your Personalized Implementation Roadmap.

Insights Hub Workshops

Workshops provide instruction on how to unpack Insights Hub data and identify high-leverage next steps to support teachers.

Instructional Leader Coaching

Ongoing instructional leader capacity building coaching and training focuses on analyzing data trends to plan effective action steps for teacher support.

Teacher Training and Support

Teacher Workshops

Hands-on collaborative sessions that establish a strong formative assessment routine.

ASSISTments Academy

The ASSISTments Academy is an on-demand learning hub providing quick and easy video-based learning modules that support implementation and best practices.

Teacher Mentoring

Teachers will have a dedicated ASSISTments mentor to provide ongoing, flexible support throughout the year.

Math Learning Growth

We make student growth the center of our work by placing an emphasis on student achievement. We partner with teachers and school leaders to give every student the opportunity to be good at math. Imagine having the ability to:

  • Have a lens into every classroom and each students progress
  • Focus instructional coaching conversations on data about student learning in a positive and productive way
  • Empower teachers and Increase instruction time
  • Use data to develop instructional strategies to address student needs
  • Quickly identify school and grade-level trends
  • Enable better instructional leadership with classroom level data
  • Make informed instructional decisions with real-time data
  • Realize equitable outcomes in teaching and learning.

With ASSISTments Advantage, you don’t have to imagine.

Visit us at NCSM in Anaheim, CA on September 26-28, 2022.
Learn more about impacting math achievement at-scale with ASSISTments Advantage. Let’s Talk

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