Teacher Voices

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Teacher Spotlight: Cathryn Shupert

With ASSISTments, Cathryn has seen her students’ confidence in their mathematical understanding and reflection skills grow.

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Spotlighting ASSISTments Teachers

Meet a few of our amazing ASSISTments Teachers. We hope their uses of ASSISTments inspire you as much as they inspire us.

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Start the Year with Positive Student Culture Around ASSISTments

The start of the 2021 school year and the start of the 2021 calendar year looked different in my classroom. Returning to in-person learning did not mean losing all of the valuable virtual tools that we implemented for our students. Now, as we enter into 2022, it’s important to reflect and take stock of how much we’ve achieved; as well as, identify next steps so that we can finish the school year strong.

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Three Classroom Challenges (and Solutions!) to Help Orchestrate Student Discussions

Three teachers share the challenges and solutions they've implemented in the classroom to help build community, encourage students to make meaningful contributions, and amplify student voice.

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Teacher Voices
Challenge Turned Opportunity: Using ASSISTments to Increase Engagement

Jenni Birrell was teaching both live virtually via Zoom and using recorded lessons posted to Canvas. She found it incredibly challenging to assess students during that time; until she realized that student engagement was still one of the most critical components of teaching and learning, no matter the format.

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Teachers For Research & Feedback (TFRF) Researcher Spotlight: Avery Closser

This month, we shine a light on Avery Closser, a Ph.D. Candidate in Learning Sciences & Technologies at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. She speaks to us about her work with ASSISTments.

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The Digital Classroom: How ASSISTments Can Help

Reflecting on the teaching practices, engagement strategies, and technology tools utilized in the transition to virtual/hybrid learning; high school teacher Emily McDonald maps out some opportunities and challenges that educators can take with them for the next school year.

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The ASSISTments Beta Journey - Initial Thoughts from Teachers

See what’s new in the Fresh New Look, an updated version of ASSISTments. As well as read first impressions from two teachers who are putting it into practice in their own classrooms.

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Providing Students with High-Quality Individualized Feedback

Check out Ms. Owens experience on how ASSISTments can support teachers in providing high-quality individualized feedback to students.

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Transitioning from classroom to hybrid/remote teaching with ASSISTments

Khanh Pham, a 7th grade math teacher at McDonough Middle School explains her teaching transition from before to during the pandemic and into a new school with ASSISTments.

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What’s it like to be in an ASSISTments Research Study?

We spoke with Megan Randolph and Joaquine Pina, two teachers who participated in ASSISTments research studies in order to get their take.

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7 Lessons Learned from Teaching Through COVID this Fall

We’ve put together 7 lessons so that your students can continue to have access to high quality instruction and feel supported in their learning as you continue to teach through COVID this Spring.

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Teacher Voices
Teacher-Researcher Spotlight: Claire Calderon

Hear how Claire's involvement with the ASSISTments' Teachers For Research & Feedback opportunites has deepened her understanding of the data she gets from ASSISTments and how best to use that data to serve her students’ math learning needs.

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Joyful Learning

We’ve come to realize that due to their extensive background in navigating technology, it has prepared students to elevate their learning this year. Learn how to capture that with these joyful experiential learning methods.

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Teaching in the COVID Snow Globe

When a snow globe is shaken, quite often something is revealed that couldn’t be seen at first. The same can be said for teaching and learning this year. Teachers have been pushed to uncover new methods and techniques to meet the needs of our students while following all of the new safety mandates. Check out these tips from 5th Grade teacher Kelly King.

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The Breakout Room in a Box Strategy

The idea for the “Breakout Room in a Box'' was born from the expressed need from teachers for ready-made supports that mirror virtually the way teachers facilitate small groups in the classroom.

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Teacher Voices
5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Year Teacher

Recently, there has been a lot of time for middle school teacher Alfons Prince to reflect on where the field of education is at and where it can go. This post contains the top five things he wishes he knew when he began.

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Teacher Voices
7 Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset in your Classroom

The notion of a growth mindset may not be inherent to students. What should you be implementing right now in order to foster that with your math students? This post offers an answer.

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Teacher Voices
Top 3 Ways ASSISTments Made Me A Better Teacher

For Holli Hudson, Introducing ASSISTments to her instructional practice gave her freedom and flexibility to meet students’ needs at an individual level. Read more on her journey on before/after ASSISTments.

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Teacher Voices
How ASSISTments Skill Builders Works in My Class (and why it will work for you too)

Mike Tarka uses Skill Builders to create differentiated homework assignments and assign them individually to meet students at their level. It’s been one of the easiest choices I’ve made to benefit my students.

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Teacher Voices
4 Steps to Making Homework a Learning Opportunity

Is your homework helping students learn? Have you given up on homework because you think it has lost value? Veteran math teacher Andrew Burnett has finally found a way to make homework an effective learning opportunity for his students.

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Teacher Voices
7 Tips on Classroom Differentiation during a Pandemic

Due to the pandemic, teachers are grappling with how to support students with unfinished learning. This blog post consists of tried and true tips on how you can create differentiated learning opportunities for students with diverse academic needs.

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3 Ways to Create Agents of Learning with ASSISTments Data

Shift from a fixed mindset - where students are trained to wait for the teacher to provide them feedback on their individual learning - to a growth mindset, where students seize opportunities with immediate feedback and actionable data.

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New Teachers Join the ASSISTments Ambassador Community. These are their stories, from the classroom.

Get to know the newest teacher leaders from the ASSISTments community to become Ambassadors. They represent educators from across the country. These are their stories, from the classroom.

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Getting the Best Start with Students and Families in Class and From a Distance

Schools are in session within a classroom, completely online, or a hybrid of both. How do you keep up with the paradigm shift? What will it take to get ahead? Three teachers who joined our August webinar 'Getting the Best Start With Students and Families In Class and From a Distance' give their response.

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Teacher Voices
EdTech That Helps Teachers Differentiate Complex Material

In middle school, concepts start to build on each other to form new, complex material. This North Carolina teacher describes how ASSISTments supports her teaching practice to differentiate and scaffold complex material.

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Helping Students Respond to Feedback

When faced with a wrong answer, how do you respond? Learn how Barbara Delaney teaches her students how to respond to wrong answers to inform their learning.

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Teacher Voices
Finding Your Stride with New Tech Tools in Class

We asked teachers: what recommendations do you have for teachers introducing ASSISTments into the classroom? Read on for middle school math teacher Ms. Ivory Cutri’s tips and tricks!

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Getting Students Excited to Learn

We asked teachers: what recommendations do you have for teachers introducing ASSISTments into the classroom? Read on for middle school math teacher Mr. Josh McMillen and Ms. Katie McCrary’s tips and tricks! 

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How to Smoothly Integrate EdTech into the Classroom

When introducing ASSISTments, teachers can show students how to use the tool to inform their learning, focusing on owning their progress rather than a grade.

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Distance Learning & ASSISTments: Teacher Stories

In the shift to distance learning, teachers and students are really putting online learning tools to the test. We’ve been hearing from teachers from across the country about stories from their classroom, and their worries and concerns.

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