Evidence-Based Instruction

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Turn Every Mistake Into a Teaching Win with Common Wrong Answers

The Common Wrong Answers data available in ASSISTments is a helpful tool in identifying those errors. By spotlighting frequent misconceptions in student work, this tool empowers math teachers to tackle misunderstandings head-on and build mastery with every lesson.

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Empower Math Educators with the ASSISTments Professional Learning Community Guide

Learn to harness student data, promote collaboration, and enhance teaching practices for better student outcomes with the ASSISTments PLC Guide.

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Top 5 Strategies to Integrate Problem-Solving Methods in Middle and High School Math Instruction

From the early stages of cognitive development, children are naturally inclined towards problem-solving. However, the true essence of teaching mathematics lies in cultivating and refining these skills. In this blog post, we discuss the importance of teaching problem-solving techniques in math class, drawing insights from educational theorists, mathematicians, and contemporary teaching standards.

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Tips & Tricks for Applying the Standards for Mathematical Practice to Drive Instruction

Before I knew about the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice, I was living them out in my classroom, and based on the data, my students made major gains because of it.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
Implementing Solid Formative Routines Sets the Stage for Student Success

As we begin the 2022-23 school year, it is essential for math teachers to know where all students are in their learning and where gaps may exist. Read on to learn ways to establish a strong class routine for formative practice with ASSISTments.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
Keep Your Students on Track with ASSISTments

ASSISTments Teacher, ElWanda McLaurin shares insights about how ASSISTments helps keep her students (and herself!) on track.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
Using ASSISTments to Promote Positive Learning Mindsets

We’ve all been there, convinced that we are ‘never going to get it’. We’ve seen it in ourselves as we wonder what we can do to help our students who think they’re “just bad at math”. ASSISTments is here to help you build a positive classroom that provides every student with the chance to be good at math with our student supports and data. Find out how in this blog by Brian Story.

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Understanding Test Mode in ASSISTments

Teachers should be in the driver seat of instructional decisions, and have flexibility in how they use our tool. To that end, we are excited to offer the ability to deliver assignments in Test Mode. Read this blog to learn more as well as to see how it affects the student experience and the assignment report.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
3 Tips on Creating a Positive Learning Environment with ASSISTments

No matter what this Fall looks like, students will need a positive classroom environment that is safe for learning. Even if students enter the classroom academically behind, you can create a classroom environment that helps them get their confidence in math back and set them on track for success. Use these three tips to help.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
Orchestrating Student Discussions with ASSISTments Data

Dawn Peterson, one of our Teacher Engagement Managers and an experienced ASSISTments user, outlines the key considerations when planning to facilitate student discussions using detailed, actionable data from the Assignment Report.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
Using ASSISTments to Support Equitable Math Instruction

Brian Story, one of our Teacher Engagement Managers, overviews the importance of equity and inclusion in the classroom and what research tells us about how you can use ASSISTments to do so.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
Why adding choice to your lessons may improve student learning

Increasing student autonomy may result in increased engagement, self-esteem, satisfaction, and learning in your classroom.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
One Size Does NOT Fit All - How Implementing a Blended Instructional Model Can Enhance Your Teaching Practice

The idea of a blended learning model means you are accommodating multiple student needs within your teaching. Read this blog to learn how to successfully implement it.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
You’re Probably Already Using This Evidence Based Practice

Chances are you’re probably already using formative assessment in class. When you assign homework, quizzes, or projects you’re hitting one part of a process proven to impact student learning. Learn about this flexible 5-part process. It helps ensure instruction response to student needs.

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Evidence-Based Instruction
Immediate Feedback Matters. This Is Why.

Have you ever caught yourself wondering how much difference it would make for your students if you had more time to give thoughtful feedback? This is the second blog post in our series on Evidence-Based Instructional Practices that sheds light on teaching practices grounded in learning science.

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Try Benchmark Tests with ASSISTments

Benchmark tests allow teachers to see what students have learned at the end of turning point of a unit.

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Helping Teachers Make the Most of Limited Time

How can EdTech tools be used to help teachers make the most of limited classroom time? Former teacher and ASSISTments team member Cindy Starks weighs in with her best recommendations.

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Show Answer on ASSISTments

ASSISTments features can help promote data conversations between teachers and students and bolster the shift toward students owning and acting on their own data.‍

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Using Symbols of Success to Inform Learning and Instruction

The Symbols of Success are a powerful tool that can allow students to track their own progress through immediate feedback. Hints and wrong answers can guide students toward the correct answer. Help your students transition from a focus on “right or wrong” to a focus on the learning journey!

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Introducing ASSISTments to Your Students Through our Practice Set

Are you ready to get started using the ASSISTments in your classroom? Before diving in, it can be helpful to try out our Practice Set to help your class get acclimated to the platform. The practice set is designed to help students explore problem types and progress reports they will encounter using ASSISTments. Happy practicing!

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Using Common Wrong Answers for Homework Review

Completing homework assignments allows students to practice their skills—and then receive feedback on their work from teachers. Based on student homework, teachers can assess how each student is performing independently outside of the context of the classroom. Teachers can make the most of Common Wrong Answers to support students during homework review sessions.

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3 Ways ASSISTments Can Help You Maximize Class Time

Teachers will tell you that class pacing is quite the balancing act! Because of its flexible design, ASSISTments can support you in your teaching practice— whether that be through warm-ups, homework review or whatever is working in your classroom!

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Algebra That Fits With Career Goals May Be Key To Math-Loving Kids

Studies have found that students would enjoy math more if they could see a clear connection between their learning and their future. Math researcher Candace Walkington was awarded a grant to use ASSISTments to study the impact of interest-focused algebra problems on student success and connectedness with STEM careers.

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How to grow your edtech toolbox with the ASSISTments-Canvas integration

Teachers looking to get the best start with their students this Fall, either back in the classroom or in a remote learning environment, may be considering how to best integrate all the tools in their edtech toolboxes. We share a few tips from teachers on using the new Canvas-ASSISTments integration.

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