A few things to look forward to in 2021 at ASSISTments

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ASSISTments co-founder Cristina Heffernan shares a few things she’s especially excited about for 2021, and thinks you will be too.

Dear ASSISTments Community,

What a year it has been! I am struck by the fact that in 2020 we all spent so much time physically apart, but it turned out we needed each other more than ever. We have struggled this year, but we have also triumphed as a community by working together in different and creative ways.

As we enter a new year, I wanted to share with you a few things we at ASSISTments have planned to help teachers, and in turn their students. I am super excited about these updates and I think you will be too.

  • This Spring we will launch new features to enhance the teacher experience. Here is a sneak peek of what is to come: Teachers will be able to Search by Standard to find just what they are looking for. There will be the ability to Mix and Match problems to customize what is assigned online. All the reports will be available in one place on ASSISTments for easy review with students.
    Sign up to be one of the first teachers to access the new features!
  • Professional learning to get the support you need. Over 90% of our teachers use EngageNY, Illustrative Math, or Open Up. To help teachers enhance their instruction with ASSISTments we are continuing to offer professional learning opportunities directly related to these curricula and guided by teachers in the field. Our Teacher Corner, Facebook group, and Webinars will showcase teacher-created ideas for integrating ASSISTments. We are proud to elevate teachers’ voices in helping one implement high-quality math curriculum.
    Learn more.
  • Building a bridge between education research and the classroom. Last year we launched the Teachers for Research & Feedback community.  Over 250 teachers have already joined and received monthly updates on opportunities to support research that contributes to a better understanding of the science of learning. These teachers are also the first to learn about and test new features. With many exciting developments coming this year, now’s a great time to join this community. 
    Learn more.
  • Making sure diversity, equity and inclusion are at the core of our work. Everyone involved in education must play a role in promoting equity. As a team, we are meeting regularly to discuss our experiences, improve our understanding, and create an atmosphere of trust. This year has reaffirmed that we must do the work every day to ensure that our product is representative - and celebratory - of the diverse community of students and teachers we serve.

On behalf of the entire ASSISTments team, I’d like to wish you, your families, and your school communities a wonderful new year.

Christina Heffernan - Assistments - Formative Assessment Solutions - Image

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